The iALL Platform

Integrated Industrial Routine

Integrated processes and securely shared data. The iALL platform helps several industries to increase the efficiency of their processes with fully integrated industrial routine management solutions.

iALL Platform

A virtual environment for a complete management of the plant's routine, composed of software integrated among themselves and also with other industrial systems (ERPs and PIs).

Modular Platform

Choose the modules that make the most sense for your floor plan!

Alerts & Reminders

Receive an alert at every occurrence and variable out of the plan.

User Friendly Interface

The theme is responsive, intuitive and offers a light and intuitive navigation.

Multi Access

Set different permissions and accesses for people across the company.


Safety, quality, traceability and data accuracy.

Multi Plants

Integrated data not only from the systems, but from all plants.

What is complex can be simple and effective

Get to know the iALL platform

The iALL platform is composed of various software for industrial plants with different functions, all integrated with each other and with ERP or PIMS systems.

Everything to facilitate your industrial management routine!

Select a software on the side to learn more

With iProduction, you can generate occurrences and notes in the ERP automatically
Another functionality of this software is to control production losses with data taken from PIMS and generate reports for shift coordinators.
All this data can be visualized in intuitive and simple dashboards. In them you can search and use filters to capture occurrences quickly and export or print desired reports.

Select a software on the side to learn more

iFailures is the software that allows you to identify the root cause of problems in the factory, avoiding possible recurrences.
It takes occurrence data from iProduction and generates failure analysis by means of previously defined triggers.
The treatment is done through the PDCA cycle included in the software, allowing the creation of action plans, validations, and verifications by different users.

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With iProcess it is possible to control process variables, by means of a previous registration and parameterization of desirable values.
All process variables can be analyzed in control panels or by a heat map, where it is possible to identify the variables that need more attention because of their critical level.
Since the softwares are integrated, iProcess can automatically generate occurrences within iProduction if any variable exceeds the registered limits.

Select a software on the side to learn more

With iMeets you can manage, create and customize meeting minutes in the best way for your team, centralizing important information in one place.

It is also possible to define actions to be taken by each one present at the meeting, and send the minutes directly to the email of those involved, with the actions already pre-established and directed.

This software facilitates communication and centralization of information, something that is relevant for the fast-paced industrial routine.

Select a software on the side to learn more

iChanges will be your ally to register any necessary change in the industrial routine. Knowing the details is important to avoid possible problems. A change needs at least one person responsible, reason, approval, date, and result.

Besides the registration, here is also the follow-up of actions and control of the approvals of the impacted areas, whether they are related to maintenance, operation, safety, environment, or any other area pertinent to the industrial environment.

Select a software on the side to learn more

iChecklists is our software for generating occurrences focused on plant safety.

With it, it is possible to register, manage, and classify incidents and near-accidents, besides facilitating the identification of the problem with risk degree classifiers and the generation of automatic maintenance notifications in the ERP.

Safety is one of the most important dimensions of an industry, and keeping control of risks ends up being primordial for good management and anticipation of accidents.

Select a software on the side to learn more

With iRoutes, you can plan and execute inspection routes in your plant using either the desktop or mobile application version of this software.

Look at all the routes already taken, identify the administrators and executors of the route in question, select the tags needed to identify the equipment and which organizational charts they are part of.

Set maximum times for completing the route or reasons for not completing the route in the set time. 

Select a software on the side to learn more

iLoops assists in monitoring changes in equipment control, contributing to the maintenance of a safe industrial environment through mesh switching (automatic/manual).

In it you can impute new TAGs in both SAP and PIMS, as well as view participating employees and approvers of the actions.

Change logging as well as identification by tags is a must for maintaining security and will facilitate your auditing process!

Select a software on the side to learn more

Track your key KPIs through configurable and flexible management dashboards.

In iDashboards you can register indicator trees with calculated or reported integration indicators, and define calculation intervals, measurement units, etc.

Collect, analyze and refine the results in individual graphs or create dashboards for visual management.

Select a software on the side to learn more

Optimize maintenance orders using artificial intelligence.

Step 1:
Register your resources in a simple and friendly way!

Step 2:
Define your priorities in a personalized way.

Step 3:
Submit your backlog of maintenance orders and watch the magic happen!

Select a software on the side to learn more

Get to know the iALL platform

The iALL platform is composed of various software for industrial plants with different functions, all integrated with each other and with ERP or PIMS systems.

Everything to facilitate your industrial management routine!

Select a software below to learn more

With iProduction, you can generate occurrences and notes in the ERP automatically
Another functionality of this software is to control production losses with data taken from PIMS and generate reports for shift coordinators.
All this data can be visualized in intuitive and simple dashboards. In them you can search and use filters to capture occurrences quickly and export or print desired reports.

Select a software on the side to learn more

iFailures is the software that allows you to identify the root cause of problems in the factory, avoiding possible recurrences.
It takes occurrence data from iProduction and generates failure analysis by means of previously defined triggers.
The treatment is done through the PDCA cycle included in the software, allowing the creation of action plans, validations, and verifications by different users.

Select a software on the side to learn more

With iProcess it is possible to control process variables, by means of a previous registration and parameterization of desirable values.
All process variables can be analyzed in control panels or by a heat map, where it is possible to identify the variables that need more attention because of their critical level.
Since the softwares are integrated, iProcess can automatically generate occurrences within iProduction if any variable exceeds the registered limits.

Select a software on the side to learn more

With iMeets you can manage, create and customize meeting minutes in the best way for your team, centralizing important information in one place.

It is also possible to define actions to be taken by each one present at the meeting, and send the minutes directly to the email of those involved, with the actions already pre-established and directed.

This software facilitates communication and centralization of information, something that is relevant for the fast-paced industrial routine.

Select a software on the side to learn more

iChanges will be your ally to register any necessary change in the industrial routine. Knowing the details is important to avoid possible problems. A change needs at least one person responsible, reason, approval, date, and result.

Besides the registration, here is also the follow-up of actions and control of the approvals of the impacted areas, whether they are related to maintenance, operation, safety, environment, or any other area pertinent to the industrial environment.

Select a software on the side to learn more

iChecklists is our software for generating occurrences focused on plant safety.

With it, it is possible to register, manage, and classify incidents and near-accidents, besides facilitating the identification of the problem with risk degree classifiers and the generation of automatic maintenance notifications in the ERP.

Safety is one of the most important dimensions of an industry, and keeping control of risks ends up being primordial for good management and anticipation of accidents.

Select a software on the side to learn more

With iRoutes, you can plan and execute inspection routes in your plant using either the desktop or mobile application version of this software.

Look at all the routes already taken, identify the administrators and executors of the route in question, select the tags needed to identify the equipment and which organizational charts they are part of.

Set maximum times for completing the route or reasons for not completing the route in the set time. 

Select a software on the side to learn more

iLoops assists in monitoring changes in equipment control, contributing to the maintenance of a safe industrial environment through mesh switching (automatic/manual).

In it you can impute new TAGs in both SAP and PIMS, as well as view participating employees and approvers of the actions.

Change logging as well as identification by tags is a must for maintaining security and will facilitate your auditing process!

Select a software on the side to learn more

Track your key KPIs through configurable and flexible management dashboards.

In iDashboards you can register indicator trees with calculated or reported integration indicators, and define calculation intervals, measurement units, etc.

Collect, analyze and refine the results in individual graphs or create dashboards for visual management.

Select a software on the side to learn more

Optimize maintenance orders using artificial intelligence.

Step 1:
Register your resources in a simple and friendly way!

Step 2:
Define your priorities in a personalized way.

Step 3:
Submit your backlog of maintenance orders and watch the magic happen!

Select a software on the side to learn more

With iProduction, you can generate occurrences and notes in the ERP automatically
Another functionality of this software is to control production losses with data taken from PIMS and generate reports for shift coordinators.
All this data can be visualized in intuitive and simple dashboards. In them you can search and use filters to capture occurrences quickly and export or print desired reports.
iFailures is the software that allows you to identify the root cause of problems in the factory, avoiding possible recurrences.
It takes occurrence data from iProduction and generates failure analysis by means of previously defined triggers.
The treatment is done through the PDCA cycle included in the software, allowing the creation of action plans, validations, and verifications by different users.
With iProcess it is possible to control process variables, by means of a previous registration and parameterization of desirable values.
All process variables can be analyzed in control panels or by a heat map, where it is possible to identify the variables that need more attention because of their critical level.
Since the softwares are integrated, iProcess can automatically generate occurrences within iProduction if any variable exceeds the registered limits.

With iMeets you can manage, create and customize meeting minutes in the best way for your team, centralizing important information in one place.

It is also possible to define actions to be taken by each one present at the meeting, and send the minutes directly to the email of those involved, with the actions already pre-established and directed.

This software facilitates communication and centralization of information, something that is relevant for the fast-paced industrial routine.


iChanges will be your ally to register any necessary change in the industrial routine. Knowing the details is important to avoid possible problems. A change needs at least one person responsible, reason, approval, date, and result.

Besides the registration, here is also the follow-up of the actions and control of the approvals of the impacted areas, whether they are related to maintenance, operation, safety, environment, or any other area pertinent to the industrial environment.


iChecklists is our software for generating occurrences focused on plant safety.

With it, it is possible to register, manage, and classify incidents and near-accidents, besides facilitating the identification of the problem with risk degree classifiers and the generation of automatic maintenance notifications in the ERP.

Safety is one of the most important dimensions of an industry, and keeping control of risks ends up being primordial for good management and anticipation of accidents.


With iRoutes, you can plan and execute inspection routes in your plant using either the desktop or mobile application version of this software.

Look at all the routes already taken, identify the administrators and executors of the route in question, select the tags needed to identify the equipment and which organizational charts they are part of.

Set maximum times for completing the route or reasons for not completing the route in the set time. 


iLoops assists in monitoring changes in equipment control, contributing to the maintenance of a safe industrial environment through mesh switching (automatic/manual).

In it you can impute new TAGs in both SAP and PIMS, as well as view participating employees and approvers of the actions.

Change logging as well as identification by tags is a must for maintaining security and will facilitate your auditing process!


Track your key KPIs through configurable and flexible management dashboards.

In iDashboards you can register indicator trees with calculated or reported integration indicators, and define calculation intervals, measurement units, etc.

Collect, analyze and refine the results in individual graphs or create dashboards for visual management.


Optimize maintenance orders using artificial intelligence.

Step 1:
Register your resources in a simple and friendly way!

Step 2:
Define your priorities in a personalized way.

Step 3:
Submit your backlog of maintenance orders and watch the magic happen!

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About us

We are an IndTech from Espírito Santo, seeking a better world through cleaner and smarter industries. We believe and bet on technology as an inevitable solution.

We are marked by innovation and non-conformism. Our history of more than 10 years is made up of people, clients, and partners who have helped us to become who we are today.

After more than 10 years of experience with industries, I recognize the difficulty of dealing with a huge amount of data, in different sources. We believe in systems integration and artificial intelligence to support this challenge.

We apply AI in industrial processes

Whether within the iALL platform or with specific software, we apply artificial intelligence to industrial processes. Meet Ally, iALL's industrial artificial intelligence.

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