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Industry 5.0: understand the concept and pillars

Industry 5.0 is the evolution of Industry 4.0, which is still being implemented by many industries worldwide. But even so, there is already a very important new approach in the industrial sector. All companies, being small, medium, or large companies need to pay attention to this in order to remain competitive in the market.

In this new industrial approach, it is possible to see that the human factor is much more taken into consideration than in the past. And the results achieved with the Industry 5.0 way of working are very interesting.

With a greater human touch, products tend to be more personalized according to market demand. As a result, consumers are more satisfied and continue to buy the products.

The origin and purpose of Industry 5.0

Industry 5.0 aims to ensure interaction between humans and robots. The main idea is to get to a more egalitarian, inclusive, and sustainable society.

In fact, there is still a movement towards the development of smart and connected factories with Industry 4.0. Even so, the new trend with a more humanized touch in the industries is getting stronger.

In this sense, it is possible to perceive a clear difference between Industry 4.0 and 5.0. In Industry 4.0 the focus was completely on having industries increasingly automated and without the human touch. In Industry 5.0, the proposal is different, focusing on the human factor.

And although Industry 4.0 started in the industrial sector approximately 10 years ago, there is already an evolution in the market that is always changing. The new model of work with Industry 5.0 proposes that human and robotic labor work together. For this, it uses the technologies of Industry 4.0 mixed with the human touch. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and robotics can also be used in Industry 5.0.

This change in the reality of industries is happening because the market and consumers are increasingly demanding. People want more personalized products, designed individually for their needs.

And since a fully automated factory is only great for large-scale production, something needs to change. In this case, the solution is to add the human touch and the creativity inherent to humans in production processes, which is the proposal of Industry 5.0.

Most important aspects of Industry 5.0

In Industry 5.0 there is a strong human-machine connection, with technology supporting product customization. This way, there is more agility, efficiency, and assertiveness when creating new products that meet what the market is demanding.


In order to reach the objective of meeting the market demand today, the interconnection between man and machine is indispensable.

It is only by working this way that it will be possible to reach the customization required by Industry 5.0, while still maintaining large-scale production.

Cognitive support

Another important feature of Industry 5.0 is cognitive support. Considering Industry 5.0 is a great booster of the prominence of human intelligence above industrial processes.

If you think about it, some essentially human characteristics cannot be replaced by a robot. The ability to make decisions considering different scenarios, the personalization and customization of products, are some examples.

Therefore, the fear that existed with the other industrial revolutions that humans would lose their space in industries is no longer there.

The situation is actually the reverse of that. Because Industry 5.0 considers that professionals will be working together with robots, receiving help in the most dangerous and repetitive tasks.

Personalization and human touch

The third great aspect of Industry 5.0 to consider is the human factor, responsible for the personalization of technology.

When Industry 4.0 is well applied, several repetitive or even dangerous activities are performed by machines. Then, it is possible to use the human workforce to differentiate products and create new solutions for the market.

Thus, the result of Industry 5.0 is to add value to products. This differentiation is exactly what consumers are looking for today.

Benefits of Industry 5.0

As mentioned above, there are several benefits and advantages when a company applies the concepts of Industry 5.0.

The focus is increasingly on understanding how to have an interconnection between man and machine. In order to make the most of what each side can offer the industry.

With the automation of industries and the cognitive support of human beings working together, it is possible to have more assertive decisions. After all, raw data simply organized in a table or report is not enough to take strategic action.

In this sense, human intelligence, human touch, and product personalization become complementary to technology. And therefore, products more compatible with what the market is looking for can be produced using Industry 5.0.

Cost optimization

With the partnership between machines and human beings, it is much easier to find solutions and reduce costs in industrial processes. When the activities that are part of the production process are carried out with greater productivity and efficiency, fewer losses occur on a daily basis.

Also, an important factor to consider is the safety of the people working in the factory. There are several activities that pose risks for humans, but for machines, they are just actions that were programmed to be performed.

That way, when the use of Industry 5.0 is happening, there is not so much concern about accidents at work. In addition, activities with difficult access or working in the heat or cold, for example, can be carried out more quickly.

Recognition of human participation

As it was already possible to understand, Industry 5.0 works so that people are increasingly valued in their jobs. Thus, human potential becomes a differential in the structure of any industry, after all, it is people who add value to products.

Therefore, in Industry 5.0 people become a strategic part of the business, not just people who perform operational tasks.

Considering all this, it is necessary for employees to be trained so that they can remain in the job market. This training can be offered by the company itself, in order to maintain the workforce that currently works in the company. On the other hand, it is also possible to learn how to deal with all these changes through courses and studies outside the company.

The important thing is to understand that Industry 5.0 exists, and it is changing the way industries perform their tasks. And for a professional to remain competitive in the market, it is increasingly necessary to be able to make better decisions in the industrial sector.

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