How is your organization in the digital era?
We are currently experiencing a moment called VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous), accelerated by the pace of technological evolution.
In a world with these characteristics, we must be open to new trends and tools, always with an eye to the future and working with what is available today.
Aiming at Industry 4.0, with continuous improvement, organized in an efficient, productive, and consequently competitive way in the market.
Are you being attacked with information?
You didn’t have to watch an episode of the latest reality show to know everything that was going on there, right? You don’t even have to ask what your friends are doing because you’ve already followed them on social media, do you?
The format of the news has changed, which in the past was a priority function of the printed and television newspaper is now in the palm of everyone’s hands and in a much more expressive volume.
Now, websites and apps “magically” show exactly what you are interested in reading, using your personal information to optimize the companies’ advertising campaigns and serve you in the best way.
Not only in personal life, the large volume of information directly impacts the day-to-day work as well. It is expected to have more and more the ability to work in several tasks at the same time, agility, and application of continuous improvement in the final work.
With all this, how are your organization and productivity?
In order to be able to stand out professionally, it is essential to focus on the organization of tasks to increase productivity. Thus ensuring delivery time and continuous improvement.
Since these two concepts go hand in hand, productivity is not about being busy all the time. It is rather organizing to make activities more efficient.
And for the organization to happen effectively, it is necessary to be clear on several points, among them:
- What project is supposed to be executed;
- What tasks need to be performed to deliver the project;
- What are the critical activities, which in case of a delay, will compromise the project deadline.
And from there to have:
- A plan and;
- A schedule.
Taking into account resource, time, and scope management. For that, here are some precautions to be taken in an organization that aims at productivity:
- List tasks in a to-do list: put only tangible tasks, such as meetings, events, and materials;
- You must separate active projects from those that are suspended, postponed, canceled, or future ones;
- Have one macro long-term planning and one detailed planning in the short term: planning detailed actions in the long term causes more rework than helps in the implementation of the project.
All these steps go towards making your Industry more and more 4.0.
Which is better, to be analog or digital?
You must be asking yourself for all the points listed: “should I use new tools or is good old excel enough”?
Resistance to the new is a natural instinct for the preservation of humans. However, it is necessary to understand that “what has always worked”, today may not work anymore.
Because specific tools for certain actions are already prepared to give a clear view of what is happening.
For example, when deploying projects, using specific tools can help you better understand several factors.
Among them, the volume of actions executed, pending, and canceled in an automated way. In addition to supporting the formalization of meeting minutes, among many other features.
Are analog companies doomed to fail?
The large number of companies today offering products and services has transformed the market into a competitive environment.
And in order to achieve the quality, price, and deadline expected by customers, companies need to reinvent themselves. It is important that businesses are increasingly organized, efficient, productive, and continuously improving.
For this, the need to use available technologies as allies to move towards Industry 4.0 has become even more latent. Leaving competitors who do not keep pace behind.
The iMeets tool can help you go even further
iMeets is a software from the iPRIMUM tool for managing meetings, minutes, and actions generated as an action plan. Being able to divide the software into two main fronts:
- Meeting minutes;
- Meeting actions.
Meeting minutes
Sending minutes after a meeting is a very important action to formalize any commitments generated. In addition, clarity in the next steps and those responsible.
Often in the busy daily routine of the industry, this type of activity is left with low priority. And to support this task, iMeets has the following features:
Identification of the meeting and its participants
a) type of meeting;
b) company name;
c) name of the board;
d) name of the coordination;
e) place of the meeting;
f) responsible for the meeting.
Among other aspects. It is important to note that all participants, both company employees and outsourced companies, will be able to receive both the minutes and the reports of the meeting.
Creating an action from the meeting
After each meeting, so that all participants are clear about their roles and responsibilities, it is essential to execute and share an action plan.
It is through this that the next steps become more tangible. In addition to those responsible and deadlines for reaching the final goal of the project.
The meeting action view demonstrates all assigned actions and their status. That is, they are organized according to the employees who have actions for which they are responsible.
With this, it is possible to start the next meeting in an easy way through the status information of the actions. In addition to signaling those responsible for the proximity of the deadline.
The use of technological tools has become a survival issue
Analog industries are behind us, we live in an era of a technological revolution that does not allow us to waste time and money. Today there are more and more complete tools that support industries to get to Industry 4.0.
The use of these tools is so intuitive that specialized labor is not necessary. What you need is for managers to understand its importance, supporting and encouraging change management.
Industry 4.0, organization, efficiency, productivity, and continuous improvement are the focus of industries today. And you don’t have to start from scratch, there are tools on the market to support you.
Has the future arrived in your meetings or are they still in the analog era?
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