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Artificial Intelligence: an ally of human beings

More and more Artificial Intelligence (also known as AI) is being used by people. Whether with solutions for everyday life, as well as in the corporate world. After all, technology is available and can help companies do their job better.

According to a survey by Markets and Markets, the Artificial Intelligence market is expected to reach 190 billion dollars by 2025. Even companies that have been in the market for many years are adapting. Or else, they have already adapted to this new reality.

Even though it is a challenge for many corporations, the use of AI is increasingly indispensable. This happens in all areas of the industry, in the most varied sectors. Especially if the company is looking for more productivity, as according to PwC 54% of executives say that AI tools make this change possible.

The numbers show this trend

In 2017, a survey by McKinsey Global Institute showed that information technology and IT companies worldwide have invested between 20 and 30 billion dollars in digital transformation.

According to the survey, 90% of the amount was used for research and development activities, while 10% was used to purchase other companies in the same area.

Also in 2017, Accenture Research and Frontier Economics presented a survey of companies from 16 industries. The objective was to assess the impact of using AI by these companies. The result was that all industries considered in the study benefited from Artificial Intelligence.

However, the sectors that had the best results were: information and communication, manufacturing, and financial services.

Also, by the year 2025, Servion Global Solutions says that AI will be responsible for 95% of the interactions the company has with its customers. And that includes live interactions as well as over the phone.

Although the numbers are a little scary, after all, people perform these tasks today, the market has been responding well. This shows that consumers are open to companies that use Artificial Intelligence as part of their business model.

Some companies that have been investing in AI as R&D

  • Amazon: development of robots and voice recognition solutions.
  • BMW, Toyota, and Tesla: solutions based on machine learning and robots for autonomous vehicles.
  • Siemens, GE, ABB, and Bosch: high investments in robotics and machine learning.
  • Among several others.

Will Artificial Intelligence replace human beings?

As you can see, the presence of AI in companies continues to grow. And with that, a concern also grows among people: will machines replace human beings?

This is because several sectors of the economy already rely on Artificial Intelligence, such as retail, industry, and services. With the most advanced technology, it’s easier to map how consumers buy products. What’s more, data analysis and reporting get easier.

However, there is no reason to worry. While technology is important, humans are still indispensable for companies. What needs to be done is to make the most of the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence for all types of businesses.

An important thing to do, however, is the search for more professional qualifications. Adapting quickly to new types of activities and roles is also important, as machines will increasingly be responsible for the most manual and repetitive activities.

The truth is that machines cannot replace human analysis of different situations, as in cases of prejudice, for example. Furthermore, data review also depends on the people in charge, not the AI.

Weak vs. Strong AI: what are the differences?

Many people fear the development of Artificial Intelligence, as mentioned above. However, they are unaware that there are different types of AI, and that the superintelligence promised in movies and futuristic projects by billionaires are far from being achieved.

Weak AI (or narrow AI)

It is AI focused on solving a certain problem or mastering some task, as ordered by a human. The more specific the AI ​​application, the weaker it is.

Strong AI (or general AI)

On the other hand, strong AI seeks to build an intelligence comparable to humans, being able to solve any task or problem. So, the more abilities of a human being the AI ​​presents, the stronger it will be.

What happens in practice today?

Currently, weak AI is used on a large scale, requiring the presence of a human for activities to be performed by the machine.

The investment in Artificial Intelligence solutions is huge when considering large companies. Some examples are Google and billionaires like Elon Musk. But even though this is the reality, we are still far from achieving the dream results.

However, it is true that technology has been advancing a lot in recent years, being able to recognize objects and with increasingly intelligent and autonomous algorithms.

But there is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is no imminent threat to humans for acting autonomously and completely consciously. As for this factor, there is no need to worry.

How can AI be used in partnership with humans?

Considering that AI is a technology present in the most diverse sectors of the economy, the result is that people are constantly in contact with the solutions created by these systems.

Some practical examples of the use of this technology today: fighting violence against women, analyzing documents and monitoring changes in legislation, greater productivity in industries, less bureaucratic banking systems, improved traffic in cities, etc.

With this technology, it is possible to cross data in an automated way, understand what this information means and make more assertive decisions.

But beyond business, people’s lives are being made easier. Smart sensors for monitoring the health of elderly people, for example, are essential to ensure their best quality of life.

Finally, an important example to mention is the chatbot system and computerized contact with customers in banks and stores. Problems can be solved quickly and practically. Consequently, people are able to work on more important activities, in addition to ensuring customer satisfaction.

Artificial Intelligence can be an ally

Now you understand how AI works and how this technology can help humans. In this sense, it is possible to say that both in the corporate world and in everyday life, people benefit from the existence of intelligent machines.

Therefore, there is no reason to fear AI, after all, solutions are created by humans, and the intention will always be to make life easier for everyone.

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